Monday, March 16, 2015

Artist Emulation

I followed Cole's photo which was of the hands in front of the sun. I like how this was open ended. I created an image of something in front of the sun. The tree also in some way relates to the hands linking together except it's branches. I liked this project because I got outside and I got to try something new.

Emulated Image (Cole)

My Image

Friday, March 6, 2015

Emulation Photo

  • Try to get a photo of a train. It's not that hard if can wait in one spot for a while.  As long as you get something involving a train, that's a successful emulation but the preference would be photography. And not model trains. :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Vivian Maier Final Reflection

  • Overall, I found Vivian Maier’s work to be very interesting. She was very daring and didn’t care what she took, just that she took it. She photographed anything and everything in the city streets, from stores, to homeless people, to people walking on the sidewalks, to dead animals, to live animals, whatever she saw, she photographed. Many people may have found it odd that she took pictures of strangers, but personally, I think that it was a new form of art that she took on and decided to work with. All of her worked expressed the world around us in a new way that no one had ever seen before and what she took showed every part of it. And while her mental illness was a tragedy, it was also the spark for her art. She seemed in my opinion, to hide inside of herself. And as the film showed, she refused to show any of her photos to anyone. Part of me also thinks about if her mental illness was the reason for her photographs. She faced conflicts in her life and wanted to show the world the conflicts of life everyone faced. The photo I included was of a policeman with another person. I like this photo because it showed how Vivian Maier was fearless. She got close to the conflict, never asking if she could take a photo of the moment, she just took it. I also like how it again, relates back to her mental illness and conflict and how she wanted to photograph conflict. Overall, this photo was great at capturing a conflict in the moment which we don’t do much of today because of the conflicts with photographing random people, but not Vivian Maier, she just walked up to the moment, and captured it in a photo.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

28 Days of Art

Day 1
Media: Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop
  • My first day of 28 days of art is an Adobe Illustrator Project based off a tutorial with a background created in Photoshop. The design is a Möbius Strip.

Day 2
Media: Adobe Illustrator
  • The second day of 28 days of art is another Adobe Illustrator project for me. This was also based off a tutorial but is a vector flower pattern.

Day 3
Media: Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop
  • I have created another illustrator project for day three of 28 days of art. This is similar to the first day except it is a Möbius Triangle instead of a Möbius Strip

Day 4
Media: Adobe Photoshop
  • For this day of 28 days of art, I have left Illustrator and moved over to Photoshop. The design here is a sunburst in different hue and saturations using only a few filters.

Day 5
Media: Adobe Photoshop

  • For this day of 28 days of art, I created a light spiral in Photoshop using some filters and layer masks, as well as lots of layers. I think if I did submit this for AP, I would fix the center part because the layer mask is not that smooth.

Day 6
Media: Adobe Illustrator
  • For day 6 of 28 days of art, I did another Illustrator project that is similar to day 2. The difference is that this one is a flower with origami patterns instead of vector patterns. I put both up to see which is better to submit to the AP, if any.

Day 7
Media: Photography

  • For day 7 of 28 days of art, I finally got out to do some photography and was able to photograph this train in Larkspur, CO while I was out.

Day 8
Media: Adobe Photoshop
  • For today, I have created a pixel bird in Photoshop. The design has been used as well for an AP Computer Science project that I am currently working on as well.

Day 9
Media: Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop
  • For today, I have created the Olympic rings in Adobe Illustrator and fixed the background in Photoshop. It's not much, but I like how it turned out overall.

Day 10
Media: Fractals
  • For today, this is what I created in the last 20 minutes of class. I call it Fire Lines because the lines look like fire. It was fun to try this website and create something so cool out of it.

Day 11
Media: Adobe Photoshop
  • For today, I wanted to merge this day with a project in AP Computer Science. What I tried to make was a bacteria but it doesn't look that good. This overall, wasn't one of my better days for 28 Days of Art.

Day 12
Media: Adobe Photoshop
  • For today, I didn't have much time to create an artwork so I decided to play with the paint brush in Photoshop and managed to create a dot artwork. It turned out pretty nice but this wasn't one of my better days of art.

Day 13
Media: Adobe Photoshop
  • For today, I created a simple Photoshop project with text. The goal was to make a design representing the 28 Days of Art. While this isn't my best work, I thought it turned out pretty nice.
Day 14
Media: Photography
  • For today, I was out photographing trains and thought that this photo turned out to be my best shot of the day. The train was shot just outside of Pinecliff, CO on Highway 72.
Day 15
Media: Photography
  • Another photo from my trip up to the mountains. This one is Amtrak's California Zephyr climbing the Rocky Mountains.

Day 16
Media: Drawing
  • Today, I uploaded my AP Lit Project which is a map I drew. I don't think this will go anywhere in my portfolio but I'm still impressed with it.

Day 17
Media: Photography
  • I uploaded one more photo from my train trip last weekend. This will be the last train shot for the next couple of weeks. This one was shot in Leyden, CO.

Day 18
Media: Adobe Photoshop
  • One of the projects we created in class. Different students did different parts of this design.

Day 19
Media: Photography
  • During class, we did ghosting and light writing. The picture is a little blurry but it still turned out pretty nice.
Day 20
Media: Adobe Photoshop
  • This is the design I created for Peak to Peak's Run for the Peak event. I like the text but I'm not sure if all the other lines fit in well.
Day 21
Media: Adobe Photoshop

  • This is an artwork I created in Photoshop using only a few tools. I created this because of the snow we are getting and I thought it turned out great.

  • Day 22
    Media: Photography
    • A photo that I took in today's snow. The shot is an icicle hanging off of an outdoor light shade. I thought that this turned out pretty well.
    Day 23
    Media: Photography
    • Another photo that I took in the recent snow storm. This photo is an up close shot of a plant next to my house.
    Day 24
    Media: Adobe Photoshop
    • The photo that I created with Ethan in AP Art 7th Period.
    Day 25
    Media: Adobe Photoshop
    • A design I created for the K-12 Art Show at Peak to Peak. Overall, I like how this turned out.
    Day 26
    Media: Photography
    • One of the photos I took from our field trip to Denver. This one was shot on the top floor of the Denver Art Museum and was probably one of my best photos on that trip.
    Day 27
    Media: Photography

    • Another photo from out field trip to Denver. This one was a picture of one of the streets in the city and may be a possible photo for my street art series.
    Day 28
    Media: Photography
    • The last photo from our field trip to Denver and the last day of 28 Days of Art!! This one was shot on the 16th Street Mall and I like the sun reflection and where it's positioned in the photo.

    Tuesday, January 27, 2015

    Finding Vivian Maier Reflection

    • I thought it was a very large mystery as to who this person was. She created great photos, but why didn't she let anyone else see them? And more importantly, why didn't she share her passion with anyone else. She would have become a very famous artist, but instead, kept it all secret. I think that there was a reason for not sharing her photos or life with anyone because something may have occurred that caused her not to share (people, events, etc.).  But even if she didn't share her photos, they are still amazing!!

    Monday, January 26, 2015

    Block Print

    • This is my block print and I think this is my best breadth project so far. The process was creating a design in pencil, then carved out the design using different sized carvers to create my design. I then used black inc to print it. It used a lot of paper and ink, but it was still a fun project to do in my opinion.