Friday, November 7, 2014

Weekly Challenge 7

  • Here is my weekly challenge 7 which was using a green screen. The image shows a tourist in New York's Time Square. The background image is from Google Images.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Silk Painting

  • This is my silk painting. The images is the city at night. If I were to give myself a score, I would give myself a 4 because of..
  • 4.I There may be uneven levels of accomplishment among the works, but overall the work is of good breadth and quality.
  • 4.E Some of the work has discernible evocative or engaging qualities, though confidence is not strongly apparent; conversely the work may display confidence but not be engaging. 
  • 4.B The work demonstrates some originality, some innovative thinking, and purposeful manipulation of the elements and principles of 2-D design.
  • 3.F The work demonstrates moderate technical competence and some knowledgeable use of materials and media. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Weekly Challenge 6

  • My weekly challenge was Train Photography. I tried something new by shooting a fast train while making the background blurry. The train is passing me at 60 MPH and was the only shot that was "successful" out of 5 trains. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

10/17 Concentration Series

My concentration is about nature from the smallest parts of the earth to the large sky and the moon. The series starts at small parts of nature and moves to large views of the sky and moon. I enjoy spending time outdoors and this concentration works for me because there are hundreds of possibilities I can get for the series. I plan to add another up close photo as well as my moon shot. I also may change some of the photos in the series so far. 

Concentration Photo 1
 Concentration Photo 2
 Concentration Photo 3
 Concentration Photo 4
 Concentration Photo 5
 Concentration Photo 6
 Concentration Photo 7
 Concentration Photo 8
 Concentration Photo 9
 Concentration Photo 10

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Weekly Challenge 5

  • Here is my Weekly Challenge 6 which was to creating something in Adobe Illustrator. I created a fish which I was just creating for fun and decided to expand and make it look better. Considering I have had no experience with Illustrator, I think that this design came out well.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Weekly Challenge 4

  • This is my weekly challenge 4. The challenge was to select an image from the past that has never been seen before. The photo was shot in Rollins, CO at about 7:30PM with NO light. The train is the Union Pacific Denver, CO to Grand Junction, CO freight. The photo shows the train climbing the pass with the headlights guiding the way. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

AP Art Field Trip

  • This was one of the photos I took during our AP Art Field Trip. I liked this photo because of the angle that I shot it. It looks like an ants view more than a persons view. I also liked the color that was in it when I took it. Finally, I think it would work for my concentration because of how it relates to nature.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Weekly Challenge 3

  • My weekly challenge was to create an image, copy it three times, and change the color of each. I copied the image five times to complete what I wanted to accomplish which was to create a smily face color wheel. This is not the best weekly challenge I have created but I like it because the smily faces express me really well. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Weekly Challenge 2

  • Before: Edited in Photoshop Lightroom
  • After: Edited in Coral Painter.

Description: My weekly challenge was to create a work of art without using Photoshop, I used both Photoshop Lightroom and Coral Painter. The goal I did was to make the lighting and color better (Lightroom) and then make the photo into a painting (Coral Painter). I like the Lightroom photo but I feel that the painting photo was a little grainy.

Photo: A westbound BNSF Coal train passes by the corn fields near Keensburg, CO.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Weekly Challenge 1

  • Here is my first weekly challenge. The task was to create a cartoon about a day in my life. This cartoon features a day during my senior year.
  • What I did for this: I chose a day from last week (Friday) and included a cartoon of each main point of my day. The quotes I added are true and were added because I thought they were the most important quotes/events of my day. Finally, it reflects the crazy days I experience every day.

September AP Art Goals

  1. I want to improve my drawing skills which has been a weakness for me so far.
  2. I want to take photos with better lighting in them because I have seen a lot of photos ruined because of poor lighting.
  3. I want to try to take a better variety of photos even if they don't go into my concentration.

Friday, September 5, 2014


  • These were my two sunprints I worked on. The picture is my concentration photo taken in the mountains with the rainbow in the background. The first photo was the original which had problems coming out but Photoshop helped make it a little better. The second was the first photo inverted. I like how this photo came out because it added a little more detail to the photo. While this was my fourth attempt at sunprints, I feel that this one was my best out of all of them. I still had a lot of problems creating a sunprint but I tried my best.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer Concentration Photos

Central Idea: The central idea is nature photography throughout the day. I enjoy spending time outdoors and thought that I could make something out of it and use it for AP Art. The fun part about this concentration is that there are hundreds of opportunities that can be used for this concentration. The bad part about this concentration is that it requires a lot of hours because some of the later photos have to be taken at night. It took a lot of hours and was shot at a lot of different locations but it was a fun concentration because I got to learn new techniques on my camera and find great possibilities for this concentration while I'm outside.
 Concentration Photo 1
 Concentration Photo 2
 Concentration Photo 3
 Concentration Photo 4
 Concentration Photo 5
 Concentration Photo 6

Favorite Two Summer Artworks

Contemporary Artist Photo
  •  The artist and work that I based my photo off of was Art Wolfe. The photos he takes are nature and animal photos and one of his techniques is taking photos of running water. This was my favorite technique he used and wanted to try that myself. The photo was taken between Nederland and Boulder in the canyon. The reason I took this photo was because I enjoy taking photos of nature (concentration) and I wanted to use different parts of my camera that were new to me to get this photo. 
Concentration Photo
  • The photo taken here was one of my photos I intended to use for my concentration but it is one of my favorite photos that I took over the summer so I'm posting it here. The photo was taken at Estes Park at midnight during a cold night. In the photo is the Milky Way just next to Longs Peak. I enjoyed taking this photo because I again enjoy taking nature photography and this was a big challenge for me because it was a hard night shot to take because I had to use a timer, line the Milky Way up in the shot in the dark, and I had to stay up till 1:00AM.