Friday, August 22, 2014

Favorite Two Summer Artworks

Contemporary Artist Photo
  •  The artist and work that I based my photo off of was Art Wolfe. The photos he takes are nature and animal photos and one of his techniques is taking photos of running water. This was my favorite technique he used and wanted to try that myself. The photo was taken between Nederland and Boulder in the canyon. The reason I took this photo was because I enjoy taking photos of nature (concentration) and I wanted to use different parts of my camera that were new to me to get this photo. 
Concentration Photo
  • The photo taken here was one of my photos I intended to use for my concentration but it is one of my favorite photos that I took over the summer so I'm posting it here. The photo was taken at Estes Park at midnight during a cold night. In the photo is the Milky Way just next to Longs Peak. I enjoyed taking this photo because I again enjoy taking nature photography and this was a big challenge for me because it was a hard night shot to take because I had to use a timer, line the Milky Way up in the shot in the dark, and I had to stay up till 1:00AM. 

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